Published onMay 21, 2024Cutting to the Basket: Timing and ExecutionBasketballOffenseScoringFundamentalsPlayer DevelopmentCoachingStrategyTeam PlayTechniquesExamine the art of cutting to the basket, including timing, reading the defense, and finishing strong.
Published onAugust 3, 2023Off-Ball Movement: Creating Scoring OpportunitiesBasketballOff-Ball MovementCoaching TipsPlayer SkillsScoringCuttingScreensTacticsStrategyTeam PlayExplore the nuances of off-ball movement in basketball, emphasizing the importance of cutting, setting screens, and finding open spaces to create scoring opportunities.
Published onMay 19, 2023Pick-and-Roll Defense: Disrupting OpponentsBasketballDefenseCoachingStrategiesTipsPick-and-RollTeam PlayNBASkillsUnlock expert strategies for effectively disrupting the opponents' pick-and-roll offense. Learn the intricacies of hedging, switching, and fighting through screens with insights from professional players and coaches.
Published onApril 11, 2023Moving Without the Ball: Finding Open LooksBasketballOffensePlayer MovementCoaching StrategiesScreensCutsReading DefenseOpen ShotsTeam PlayScoringExplore effective strategies for moving without the ball to create open shot opportunities in basketball, featuring insights from player experiences and coaching wisdom.
Published onApril 2, 2022Off-the-Ball Runs: Movement to Create SpaceSoccerTacticsCoaching TipsPlayer DevelopmentMovementStrategyTeam PlayAttackingExplore the critical role of off-the-ball runs in soccer, their impact on creating space, and the strategic nuances in executing them effectively.
Published onOctober 7, 2021Passing Skills: Precision and Creativitybasketballplayer skillscoachingpassingbasketball trainingbasketball tipssports knowledgebasketball strategyteam playExplore different types of basketball passes—bounce passes, chest passes, and no-look passes—and master them with precision and creativity.