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The Flip Flap: Quick Footwork to Fool Defenders

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The Flip Flap: Quick Footwork to Fool Defenders

Soccer is a game of inches and milliseconds, where the tiniest advantage can turn the tide. One weapon in the arsenal of top players is the Flip Flap, also known as the Elastico. This move, mastered by legends like Neymar, is designed to deceive defenders with lightning-quick footwork. Let's dive into the mechanics, execution, and strategic application of the Flip Flap.

The Anatomy of the Flip Flap

Step-by-Step Execution:

  1. Initial Positioning: As you approach the defender, keep the ball close to the outside of your dominant foot. Your body should be slightly angled, suggesting a move towards the outside.
  2. Outside Touch: Use the outside of your foot to push the ball quickly to the outside. This initial movement is crucial and sets the expectation in the defender’s mind.
  3. Inside Flick: Almost simultaneously, use the inside of the same foot to flick the ball back to the inside lane. This quick change of direction catches the defender off guard.

Execution Breakdown:

Initial PositioningBall close to the outside of your footSets up the initial fake
Outside TouchPushes ball to the outside with the outside of the footCreates deception; defender anticipates an outside move
Inside FlickFlicks ball inside with the inside of the footQuickly changes direction to exploit the defender's reaction

Players Who Perfected It: Neymar

Neymar Jr. is synonymous with flair, creativity, and unpredictability. His use of the Flip Flap is a masterclass in using body language to deceive.

Neymar's Key Techniques:

  • Body Feints: Neymar often combines the Flip Flap with subtle body feints to further convince the defender of his initial movement.
  • Quick Recovery: His ability to quickly regain balance after the move ensures he can accelerate past the defender instantly.
  • Eye Movement: Neymar uses his eyes to sell the fake, looking in the direction of the initial touch to add another layer of deception.

Training Tips for the Flip Flap

For Players:

  • Drill Repetition: Practice the move at different speeds against cones and markers to simulate defenders.
  • Controlled Environment: Start practicing in a controlled setting before attempting in match situations.
  • Mirror Work: Use a mirror to watch your footwork and body positioning.

For Coaches:

  • Break Down the Move: Teach the move in segments, ensuring each part is mastered before combining.
  • Incorporate Into Drills: Include the Flip Flap in dribbling drills to embed its use in a game-like context.
  • Encourage Creativity: Allow players to experiment and find their unique styles when using the Flip Flap.

Game Situations to Employ the Flip Flap

  1. 1v1 Scenarios: The Flip Flap is most effective in tight 1v1 duels where a quick change of direction can create space.
  2. Edge of the Box: Use it near the penalty area to beat a defender and create a shooting opportunity or a cutback pass.
  3. Counter-Attacks: When breaking on a counter, a well-executed Flip Flap can eliminate a pressuring defender and open the field.


The Flip Flap is a dynamic, eye-catching move that, when executed properly, can make defenders look foolish. With practice, you can add this skill to your toolkit and create moments of magic on the field. Emulate Neymar's flair, practice diligently, and remember—it's all about the timing and quickness of your feet!

Take this knowledge to the field, and may your Flip Flap leave defenders in the dust!

Further Reading and Resources:

Feel free to share your experiences and questions in the comments below. Happy dribbling!