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One-on-One Finishing: Beating the Goalkeeper

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    Sports Tips

One-on-One Finishing: Beating the Goalkeeper

In soccer, one-on-one finishing is an art form that requires precision, confidence, and a dash of creativity. As a player, there will be moments when you find yourself barreling towards the goal with only the goalkeeper to beat. How do you capitalize on these golden opportunities? Let's dive into some key strategies and techniques that can elevate your game and help you finesse those critical moments.

Key Strategies

1. Rounding the Keeper

Rounding the keeper involves swiftly dribbling past the goalkeeper, who will likely commit early in an attempt to block your shot. This technique can be highly effective if done correctly.


1Assess the situation: As you approach the keeper, decide quickly if this is the right move based on the keeper's positioning and speed.
2Commit to your direction: Choose whether to go left or right. Make a decisive move to unbalance the keeper.
3Sell the fake: Slightly angle your body and use a feint or shoulder drop to mislead the keeper.
4Exploit the gap: Once the keeper commits to a side, use a touch to push the ball past them in the opposite direction.
5Finish with composure: With the keeper out of position, calmly slot the ball into the net.

2. Shooting Early

Shooting early capitalizes on the element of surprise. It leaves the keeper with less time to react, increasing your chances of scoring.

Technique Breakdown:

  • Time the shot: As you approach, identify the ideal moment when the keeper is off-balance or slightly out of position.
  • Use a controlled touch: Ensure your touch sets the ball up perfectly for the shot.
  • Pick your spot: Aim for the corners of the goal where it's hardest for the keeper to reach.
  • Stay composed: Keep your head up and maintain your composure to execute the shot accurately.

Pros and Cons Table

Rounding the Keeper- High success rate when executed flawlessly
- Keeper out of play post-rounding
- Requires more skill and precision
- Risk of being tackled by the keeper
Shooting Early- Catching the keeper off guard
- Easier execution compared to dribbling past keeper
- Higher reliance on accuracy
- Less margin for error

Tips from the Pros

Player Wisdom:

  • Cristiano Ronaldo: "When you're in a one-on-one, stay calm and use your instincts. Sometimes the best choice is to shoot early; other times, it's about making the keeper commit and exploiting the space."
  • Lionel Messi: "The key is in the first touch. How you control the ball and set yourself up can make all the difference."

Coaching Insight:

  • Tip from Coaches: "Train scenarios repeatedly in practice to improve familiarity and decision-making. Create high-pressure drills where players must choose between rounding the keeper or shooting early."

Drills to Enhance One-on-One Finishing

Drill 1: Keeper Challenge

  • Setup: Half-field with a single goal, a goalkeeper, and a feeder to pass the ball to the attacker.
  • Objective: The attacker receives the ball and must decide quickly to either round the keeper or shoot early under varying pressures.

Drill 2: Quick Decision Making

  • Setup: Full-field with multiple stations. Each station involves a different scenario for the attacker.
  • Objective: Simulate real-game one-on-one situations, forcing the attacker to make quick decisions and refine their finishing skills.


Mastering one-on-one finishing requires practice, confidence, and a deep understanding of both your abilities and the goalkeeper's tendencies. Whether you choose to round the keeper or shoot early, the key lies in making quick, decisive actions while maintaining composure. By integrating these strategies into your training routine, you'll be better equipped to convert those one-on-one opportunities into goals, boosting both your performance and your team's success.

Keep your eyes on the prize, stay cool under pressure, and remember—perfect practice makes perfect!

Happy scoring!