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The Flick-On: Heading with Precision

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The Flick-On: Heading with Precision


In the fast-paced world of soccer, every split-second decision can change the game's outcome. Enter the flick-on header – a sophisticated and nuanced technique that can be a game-changing asset for both offensive and defensive plays. Let's delve into the basics, applications, and practice regimes for mastering the flick-on header.

What is a Flick-On Header?

The flick-on header is a skillful maneuver where a player slightly redirects the ball using their head. Unlike a powerful full-on header intended to shoot or clear the ball, the flick-on subtly alters the ball's direction, often to a teammate or into a dangerous area.

When to Use the Flick-On Header

Attacking Situations:

  1. Breaking Defenses:
    • During a long ball from the defense, a forward can flick the ball on to a teammate making a run.
  2. Corner Kicks:
    • A player at the near post flicks the ball towards the center, creating scoring opportunities.

Defensive Situations:

  1. Clearing Crosses:
    • Defenders can use the flick-on to redirect the ball away from high-pressure zones.
  2. Midfield Battles:
    • In midfield aerial duels, a flick-on can deflect the ball to a teammate, retaining possession.

Techniques for a Perfect Flick-On

PositioningStand tall, knees slightly bent, body balanced.
Head MovementUse the upper part of the forehead, aim for a subtle motion rather than a forceful one.
TimingAnticipate the ball's path. Jumping too early or too late can ruin the flick.
Neck ControlSoft movements from the neck, not the entire body.

Tips & Tricks from the Pros

  • Cristiano Ronaldo often uses the flick-on to outmaneuver multiple defenders and feed his nimble teammates like a well-oiled machine.
  • Sergio Ramos, renowned for his aerial prowess, employs flick-ons during set-pieces to turn defense into unexpected counterattacks.

Effective Drills for Practicing Flick-Ons

  1. Partner-Target Practice:

    • Stand 15 yards apart with a partner. They throw the ball towards you, and you practice flicking it to a cone or small target behind you.
  2. Cone Gates:

    • Set up two small cone gates behind you, about 5 yards apart. Have a server throw high balls and flick the header through the gates.
  3. Mini Games:

    • In a small-sided game, encourage using the flick-on during throw-ins or long passes, ensuring teammates make corresponding runs.


Mastering the flick-on header demands precision, timing, and endless practice. It's a weapon that, when wielded correctly, can outsmart any opponent, break stubborn defenses, and safeguard your territory. Incorporate these techniques into your training regime and watch as your heading game ascends to new heights.

Share Your Thoughts

Ever scored a winning goal with a flick-on header or made a crucial defensive play? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below!

Stay tuned for more soccer techniques and strategies to sharpen your game!

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