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The Roulette: Zidane's Signature Spin

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The Roulette: Zidane's Signature Spin

The Roulette, also known as the "Marseille Turn" or "Pirouette," is a mesmerizing dribbling technique that has left countless defenders clutching at thin air. Zinedine Zidane, the legendary French playmaker, brought this move into the spotlight and made it essential viewing for football aficionados. Let's break down this illustrious skill, its execution, and strategic application on the pitch.

The Anatomy of the Roulette

Step-by-Step Breakdown

  1. Initial Position: Approach the defender with the ball under control using either foot.
  2. First Touch: Use the sole of your dominant foot to drag the ball back slightly while half-turning your body.
  3. Spin: Pivot on your standing foot and continue the turn by bringing your non-dominant foot across your body.
  4. Second Touch: Use the sole of your non-dominant foot to push the ball in the desired direction, completing a 360-degree spin.
  5. Acceleration: Burst into space to evade the incoming tackle.

Here's a visual breakdown in table format for easier understanding:

StepActionKey Points
1Initial PositionControl the ball, face defender
2First TouchDrag ball back with dominant foot
3SpinPivot and turn
4Second TouchPush ball with non-dominant foot
5AccelerationExplode into space

Key Mechanics

  • Body Positioning: Maintain a low center of gravity to ensure balance during the spin.
  • Footwork: Practice precise touches with the soles of both feet.
  • Timing: Execute the Roulette when the defender commits to a tackle, maximizing the effectiveness of the spin.

Why Master the Roulette?

The Roulette isn't just flashy; it's a functional and versatile maneuver:

Evading Tackles

A well-timed Roulette can leave defenders off balance, giving you the crucial milliseconds needed to maintain possession in tight spaces.

Changing Directions

This move allows for a sudden change of direction, making it harder for opponents to predict your next move.

Maintaining Possession

By shielding the ball during the spin, players can fend off aggressive challenges and retain control.

Psychological Edge

A successful Roulette can demoralize defenders and energize teammates, swinging momentum in your favor.

Coaching Tips for Perfecting the Roulette


  • Cone Drills: Set up a series of cones to practice controlled spins around static obstacles.
  • 1v1 Scenarios: Simulate real-game situations where players must use the Roulette to escape tight marking.
  • Slow Motion Practice: Break down the move into slow, deliberate steps to ensure understanding before speeding up.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Over-Rotation: Spinning too far can lead to losing sight of the ball.
  • Heavy Touches: Keep touches light to maintain close control.
  • Lack of Speed: Execute the move swiftly to avoid giving defenders a chance to recover.

Encouraging Player Confidence

Emphasize the importance of practice and situational awareness. Support players in experimenting with the move during training sessions to build confidence.

Famous Moments

Zidane's use of the Roulette in professional matches often turned the tide in crucial moments. His graceful spins were not only crowd-pleasers but also tactical maneuvers that showcased his unparalleled ball control and football intelligence.


Incorporating the Roulette into your skill set can transform your game, blending flair with function. With dedication and practice, you too can channel your inner Zidane and leave defenders in awe. So lace up your boots, hit the training ground, and spin your way to greatness!

Remember, practice makes perfect. Now get out there and master the art of the Roulette!

Happy Dribbling!

Explore more football skills and coaching tips in our upcoming articles. Stay tuned!