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The Drag Back: Creating Space with Simplicity

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The Drag Back: Creating Space with Simplicity

In the fast-paced world of soccer, mastering simple and effective moves can set players apart and create vital opportunities on the field. One such move that is often overlooked but overwhelmingly effective is the Drag Back. This maneuver, when executed correctly, can help players maintain possession, dodge opponents, and open up new passing lanes. Let’s dive deep into the mechanics, variations, and strategic applications of the Drag Back.

Understanding the Drag Back

The Drag Back is a fundamental skill where the player pulls the ball backwards with the sole of their foot while pivoting to change direction. This move is particularly useful in tight spaces and when under pressure from opponents.

Mechanics of the Drag Back

  1. Initial Setup: Position your body over the ball, ensuring your weight is balanced on the non-dominant foot.
  2. Execution:
    • Place the sole of your dominant foot on top of the ball.
    • Gently pull the ball back towards you.
    • Simultaneously, pivot using your non-dominant foot to face the new direction.
  3. Follow Through: Once the ball is behind you, use your instep to control it and prepare for the next move, whether it's a pass, a dribble, or a shot.

Visual Guide

StepDescriptionVisual Representation
1. SetupPosition body over the ballSetup Position
2. ExecutionPull ball back with the sole, pivot to change directionExecution
3. Follow ThroughControl and transitionFollow Through

Variations of the Drag Back

  1. The Double Drag Back:

    • Perform the drag back twice in quick succession to throw off defenders.
  2. Drag Back and Turn:

    • Combine the drag back with a sharp turn to accelerate in the new direction quickly.
  3. The Drag Back Pass:

    • Use the drag back to create space and immediately follow it up with an accurate pass.

Strategic Applications

Maintaining Possession

When surrounded by defenders, the drag back provides a simple yet effective way to keep the ball under control and navigate out of tight spots. By shifting the ball's position and changing direction, you can evade pressure and retain possession.

Creating Passing Lanes

The drag back is exceptional for creating passing lanes that were previously blocked by defenders. By pulling the ball back, a player can open up new angles and quickly dish the ball to a teammate in better positioning.

Setting Up Attacks

Using the drag back in the attacking third can confuse defenders and create the necessary space for a shot on goal or a penetrating pass.

Coaching Wisdom

From a coaching perspective, the drag back should be encouraged for players at all levels. Here are a few drills to embed the drag back into regular practice:

  1. Drag Back Cones:

    • Setup cones in a zigzag pattern.
    • Have players perform a drag back at each cone to simulate game situations.
  2. Pressure Situations:

    • In a small-sided game, instruct players to use at least one drag back before passing or shooting.
  3. Visualization:

    • Use video analysis to show players professional examples of the drag back in play, enhancing their understanding and execution.


The Drag Back is a powerhouse move in a player’s arsenal, offering simplicity and functionality in one swift motion. Whether it's to maintain control, evade an opponent, or set up a crucial pass, mastering the drag back can significantly elevate a player's performance on the pitch. Keep practicing, stay disciplined, and watch how this move transforms your game.

Stay in Control, Keep the Ball Rolling!