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The Chop: Messi's Sudden Change of Direction

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The Chop: Messi's Sudden Change of Direction

When we talk about the wizardry of Lionel Messi, one move that stands out is "The Chop." This ingenious maneuver has left many a defender grasping at thin air. Let's delve deeper into the intricacies of the Chop, understand its execution, and see how it can be a game-changer, especially in tight spaces.

Understanding The Chop

The Chop is a sudden change-of-direction move designed to bamboozle defenders and create space, especially when you're facing a crowded defense. It involves a swift, sharp cut by bringing the ball across your body to the opposite foot, effectively throwing off the defender's balance.

Execution Breakdown

To master the Chop, you need impeccable timing, speed, and agility. Here’s a step-by-step guide to executing this lethal move:

  1. Approach the Defender

    • Dribble towards the defender at moderate speed.
    • Keep the ball close to your feet for better control.
  2. Preparation

    • Position your body sideways to create an angle.
    • Fake a motion to make the defender commit to one side.
  3. The Cut

    • Use the inside of your foot to chop the ball across your body.
    • Simultaneously, pivot your body in the direction of the chop.
  4. Acceleration

    • Explode past the defender using your next touch.
    • Maintain close control to navigate through tight spaces.

Why The Chop Works

The real magic of The Chop lies in its ability to exploit the defender’s momentum. When performed correctly, it can:

  • Create Space: Open up a new angle or lane for attacking.
  • Enhance Fluidity: Maintain the flow of the game with minimal interruptions.
  • Surprise Element: Catch the defender off-guard and break their anticipatory defense.

Training Drills for The Chop

Incorporating specific drills can significantly improve your Chop execution. Here are some drills to enhance your skill set:

Cone Drill

SetupPlace a series of cones in a straight line.
ExecutionDribble towards each cone, executing a Chop to alternate sides.
Focus PointsMaintain low speed control, use both feet, and vary the chopping angles.

One-on-One Challenge

SetupPair up players; one as an attacker, the other as a defender.
ExecutionAttacker uses The Chop to get past the defender in a confined space.
Focus PointsSimulate real match scenarios, utilizing quick reactions and body feints.

Coaching Wisdom

Understanding and perfecting The Chop isn't just about physicality; it's also about reading the game. Here are some tips from coaching perspectives:

  • Decision Making: Encourage players to understand the right moment to execute The Chop.
  • Positional Awareness: Teach players to be aware of surrounding defenders before attempting the move.
  • Confidence Building: Incorporate the move in scrimmages to boost players' confidence under pressure.


The Chop is not just a flashy move, but a practical tool that can shift the dynamics of a game at a crucial moment. By mastering this technique, players can enhance their dribbling arsenal and coaches can add a new layer to their Teams tactical approach. May the Chop inspire you to carve out space and opportunities, just like Messi.

Remember, in the world of soccer, it's the minute details and slight changes in direction that often make all the difference. Keep practicing, stay dedicated, and let the Chop work its magic!

Stay tuned for more soccer insights and training tips from the world of sports. Don't forget to leave your comments below and share your experiences with The Chop!