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The Driven Shot: Low and Hard

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    Sports Tips

The Driven Shot: Low and Hard


In soccer, the driven shot is a fundamental technique that separates good strikers from great ones. A well-executed driven shot is characterized by its low trajectory and powerful impact, making it difficult for goalkeepers to save. This article dives deep into the mechanics, coaching tips, and common pitfalls associated with driven shots.

Understanding the Driven Shot

What is a Driven Shot?

A driven shot is a powerful, low shot characterized by its speed and piercing accuracy. Unlike lofted shots or chips, driven shots stay closer to the ground, exploiting the space between the goalkeeper and the defensive line.

Why is it Effective?

  • Low Trajectory: Easier to keep on target and harder for goalkeepers to reach.
  • Speed and Power: Reduces reaction time for the goalkeeper.
  • Versatility: Effective from both close-range and long-range positions.

Technique Breakdown

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Approach: Position your body slightly to the side of the ball.
  2. Foot Placement: Plant your non-kicking foot about 6 inches (15 cm) away from the ball, pointing towards your target.
  3. Body Angle: Lean slightly over the ball to keep the shot low.
  4. Striking the Ball:
    • Contact Point: Strike the center of the ball with the instep of your foot.
    • Follow-Through: Keep your follow-through low and direct, propelling the ball forward.

Visual Aid:

StepVisualKey Points
Approach![Approach](#i mage)Side angle, balanced stance
Foot Plant![Foot Placement](#i mage)6 inches (15 cm) away, pointing towards the target
Body Angle![Body Angle](#i mage)Lean over the ball
Strike & Follow-Through![Strike](#i mage)Contact at center, low follow-through

(Note: Replace #i mage with actual image URLs or paths)

Coaching Tips

For Players:

  • Practice Consistency: Repetition is key. Use drills that mimic game scenarios.
  • Mindset: Focus on accuracy before power. Speed will naturally follow precision.
  • Adaptability: Condition your body to strike from different angles and situations.

For Coaches:

  • Feedback Loop: Provide immediate, actionable feedback to players during practice.
  • Drills: Incorporate varied shooting drills, such as 1v1 scenarios and static target practice.
  • Video Analysis: Utilize video breakdowns to highlight strengths and areas for improvement.

Common Pitfalls and Solutions

Pitfall: Leaning Back

  • Result: Shot lifts and loses power.
  • Solution: Focus on maintaining a forward body lean.

Pitfall: Inaccurate Plant Foot Placement

  • Result: Mis-hits leading to off-target shots.
  • Solution: Ensure the plant foot is consistently placed pointing at the target.

Pitfall: Overly Complex Motions

  • Result: Reduced shot effectiveness.
  • Solution: Simplify the approach and follow-through to enhance consistency.


Mastering the driven shot is not just about power, but about technique, precision, and practice. Striking the ball low and hard can dramatically increase your effectiveness in front of the goal, giving your team the edge in crucial matches. Embrace the tips and techniques outlined here, and watch your driven shots become an unstoppable force on the field.

Happy Shooting!