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Double Moves: Faking Out Defenders

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Double Moves: Faking Out Defenders

When it comes to creating separation and breaking free from defenders, the double move is a lethal weapon in a wide receiver's arsenal. This move, which combines both finesse and deception, can make the difference between a completed pass and a missed opportunity. Let’s break down the fundamental aspects that make this maneuver effective.

Setup: Laying the Groundwork

The essence of a successful double move lies in its setup. The initial steps should mimic a routine route—whether a slant, curl, or a simple hitch. The idea is to lull the defender into a false sense of security. Here are some key points:

  • Body Language: Keep your body language consistent with your usual routes. Show the defender a familiar pattern.
  • Eyes and Head: Use your eyes and head to sell the first move. Fixate on a point downfield or look back to the quarterback.
  • Speed: Maintain your normal running speed to avoid tipping off the defender.

Execution: The Art of Deception

Once you've laid the groundwork, it's time to execute the double move. This is where precision and timing come into play:

  • First Move: Execute the initial move with conviction. If it’s a fake slant, step hard and sharp. Make the defender commit.
  • Sell It: Use exaggerated body language. Drop your hips or pump your arms to sell the change of direction.
  • Second Move: Quickly transition to your real route. Keep your footwork tight and your body low to accelerate out of the break.

The ability to execute these moves requires disciplined footwork and a swift change of direction. Practice these elements diligently to build muscle memory.

Timing: Hitting the Sweet Spot

Timing is crucial and can make or break the double move. Here’s how you can perfect it:

  1. Quarterback Connection: Make sure you and your quarterback are on the same page. Timing the throw to coincide with your second move is essential.
  2. Watch the Defender: Be aware of the defender’s reaction. If they bite hard on the first move, your second move should come almost immediately.
  3. Practice Drills: Incorporate specific drills into your practice routine to hone your timing. Here’s an example drill:
| **Drill Name**  | **Objective**                          | **Instructions**                                                                                       |
| 1v1 Double Move | Improve execution and timing of double moves | Pair up and run double moves against defenders, focusing on footwork and synchronization with quarterback|

Coaching Wisdom and Player Knowledge

Coaches: Emphasize the importance of subtleties in the setup. Utilize film studies to show players how top receivers create deception. Encourage receptive feedback and constant repetition.

Players: Practice your body language and speed consistency. Communicate with your quarterback to ensure timing precision. Remember, the double move is as much about the mental game as it is physical.


Mastering the double move can turn a good wide receiver into a great one. Focus on the three pillars—setup, execution, and timing. With persistent practice and strategic insights from both player and coaching perspectives, you'll be faking out defenders and making big plays in no time.

By blending advanced techniques with a deep understanding of the psychological aspects, the double move can become your go-to strategy for outsmarting defenders. Happy training!