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Working in Tandem: Coordination with the Right Tackle and Center

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Working in Tandem: Coordination with the Right Tackle and Center

The success of an offensive line in football hinges on the seamless coordination between the right tackle, the center, and the rest of the line. This article delves into the crucial aspects of this relationship, combining player insights and coaching wisdom to bring you a comprehensive guide.

The Building Blocks of Coordination

1. Communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful offensive line. This involves:

  • Pre-Snap Calls: Essential for identifying the defensive setup and adjusting the blocking schemes. Both verbal and non-verbal signals are used.
  • On-the-Fly Adjustments: Quick communication during play to counter defensive stunts and blitzes.

Below is a table summarizing the types of calls you might encounter:

Call TypeDescription
Mike CallIdentifies the 'Mike' Linebacker, essential for blocking assignments.
Slide ProtectionSpecifies the direction in which the line will move to protect the QB.
Combo Block CallAlerts the linemen to double-team a defender before releasing to the linebacker.

2. Synchronized Movements

Proper coordination isn’t solely about talking the talk but also about moving in unison.

  • Zone Blocking: Involves an entire side of the line moving collectively to create running lanes.
  • Double Teams: Requires the right tackle and center to work together to neutralize powerful interior defenders before one of them moves to the second level.

Here's an example of how a double team might look:

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Player Insights

Offensive Tackle Perspective

"You're the bookend of the line. Your job is more than just blocking; it's about anticipating defensive moves and communicating quickly with the center. Quick feet and an understanding of defensive shifts are critical."

Center Perspective

"As the center, you are the linchpin. Your pre-snap reads and quick calls set the tone. You need to be the most aware player on the field, understanding everyone's assignments."

Coaching Wisdom

Technique Development

  • Repetition and Drills: Regular practice of synchronized movements through drills that mimic game situations.
  • Film Review: Analyzing game footage to identify communication lapses and refine strategies.

Building Chemistry

  • Group Exercises: Activities outside the usual drills to build trust and camaraderie among linemen.
  • Open Dialogue: Encouraging linemen to voice their observations and suggestions freely.

Example Drill: The "3-Tone" Drill

  1. Setup: Align the offensive line against a basic defensive front.
  2. Execution: Signal three different defensive stunts or blitzes.
  3. Adjustment: The center calls out adjustments based on the defense's alignment.
  4. Action: Practice moving as a unit to counter each defensive strategy effectively.


In football, the synergy between the right tackle and center is fundamental to the offensive line's success. By focusing on communication and synchronized movements, teams can significantly improve their performance and protect their quarterback more effectively. Employ these player insights and coaching tips to fine-tune your squad's coordination and see the difference it makes on the field.

Stay tuned for more tips and strategies to elevate your game!