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Maintaining Pad Level: Staying Low and Powerful

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Maintaining Pad Level: Staying Low and Powerful

In the world of football, maintaining a proper pad level is crucial for both offensive linemen and defenders. Staying low allows players to leverage power, maintain control, and gain the upper hand in the trenches. Whether you're setting up for pass protection or engaging in run blocking, mastering your pad level can transform your game from good to exceptional. Let’s dive deep into the techniques and intricacies of maintaining a low pad level.

Understanding Pad Level

Before we jump into the techniques, let's break down what "pad level" really means. Pad level refers to the height of a player's shoulders and pads relative to the ground. Essentially, a lower pad level means a lower center of gravity, which is fundamental for balance, power, and control.

Why Pad Level Matters

  • Leverage: The lower you are compared to your opponent, the better leverage you'll have to push, block, or defend.
  • Power: A low center of gravity allows you to harness more of your body's power into your movements.
  • Balance & Stability: Staying low helps you remain balanced and resist being knocked over.

Techniques for Staying Low

Stance and Start

Your stance is the foundation of maintaining a low pad level. Here are key points to ensure a solid stance:

  • Feet Placement: Position your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Your weight should be distributed evenly across your feet.
  • Hips: Your hips should be slightly above knee level. This helps in maintaining a low profile.
  • Back: Keep your back flat and slightly arched. Avoid bending at the waist.

Footwork Fundamentals

Proper footwork is essential in keeping your pad level low throughout the play. Incorporate these drills to refine your footwork:

Kick SlideFor pass protection, ensure you’re moving backwards with shoulders square.
Chop and DriveRapidly move your feet in place, maintaining low pads and ready to drive forward.
Mirror DrillPair up with a teammate and follow their movements while staying low.

Blocking Techniques

Pass Protection

  1. Initial Strike: Start with a quick, firm punch to the defensive player’s chest. This disrupts their momentum.
  2. Hand Placement: Aim for inside hand placement on your opponent’s pads, giving you control.
  3. Hip Engagement: Engage your hips by pushing them slightly forward while maintaining knee bend. This keeps your power concentrated and low.

Run Blocking

  1. First Step: Take a short, powerful step towards your opponent, aiming to get under their pads.
  2. Drive: Use your legs to drive power, making sure to stay low and maintain your pad level.
  3. Finish: Roll your hips through the block and keep driving until the whistle blows.

Practicing Pad Level

Incorporate the following drills to consistently work on maintaining a low pad level:

Sled PushPush a weighted sled while focusing on staying low and driving from your legs.
Low Board DrillPlace a low board or bar and practice ducking under it, maintaining low pads.
Cones DrillSet up cones and weave through them in a low stance, focusing on pad level.

Tips from the Pros

  • Repetition is Key: Continuously practice drills that enforce a low pad level. Muscle memory is your best friend.
  • Film Study: Analyze film of yourself and professional players. Pay attention to their pad levels and body mechanics.
  • Coaching Feedback: Regularly seek feedback from coaches. They provide an external perspective and can correct minor flaws in technique.


Mastering your pad level is an ongoing journey that requires discipline, practice, and a keen understanding of body mechanics. By staying low and powerful, you not only gain a competitive edge but also contribute significantly to your Teams success in both pass protection and run blocking. With these techniques and drills, you're well on your way to becoming a formidable force on the football field.

Keep your pads low and eyes high – let's dominate the line of scrimmage!

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