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Speed and Acceleration: Breaking Away for Big Gains

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Speed and Acceleration: Breaking Away for Big Gains

Running backs with exceptional speed and acceleration possess the unique ability to transform a simple handoff into a spectacular touchdown. Developing these skills is critical for any player looking to become a game-changer on the field. Below, we delve into effective training methods, drills, and tips to help running backs break away from defenders.

The Speed & Acceleration Formula

Speed and acceleration are products of strength, technique, and natural ability. Here's how to hone these attributes:

Key ComponentDescription
Strength TrainingBuilding muscle, particularly in the lower body, is crucial. Focus on explosive exercises like squats, deadlifts, and lunges to develop powerful, fast-twitch fibers.
Technique DrillsPerfect form and running mechanics can make all the difference. Emphasize knee drive, arm swing, and foot placement.
Sprint WorkoutsIncorporate varied sprint drills, focusing on short bursts (10-40 yards) to enhance both acceleration and top speed.

Effective Training Methods

Strength Training

Strength training cannot be overstated in its importance. Here are some core exercises tailored for running backs:

  1. Squats: Essential for building leg and core strength. Perform variations like front squats and goblet squats.
  2. Deadlifts: Develops posterior chain muscles, key for explosive starts.
  3. Lunges: Focus on dynamic lunges and split squats for single-leg strength and balance.

Plyometric Drills

Plyometrics aid in developing the explosive power vital for burst speed:

  1. Box Jumps: Improve vertical leap and power.
  2. Broad Jumps: Focus on horizontal explosive force.
  3. Bounding: Heighten leg strength and stride efficiency.

Speed Mechanics and Technique

Form and technique are fundamental. This requires consistent practice and repetition:

  • High Knees: Drills that emphasize knee drive and proper form.
  • A-Skip/B-Skip: Helps in refining running mechanics.
  • Arm Swing Drills: Concentrating on proper arm movement in sync with leg drive.

Sprint Intervals

Tailored specifically for running backs, these drills improve speed and acceleration:

  • 10-20 Yard Sprints: Short burst sprints to replicate game-time acceleration.
  • Flying 30s: Sprint 30 yards with a gradual build-up to top speed.
  • Hill Sprints: Increases strength and acceleration capabilities by incorporating resistance.

Putting it All Together

A holistic approach, combining strength training, plyometric drills, and sprint mechanics tailored for football players, makes for a comprehensive speed and acceleration program. Below is a sample weekly training schedule:

DayFocusSample Routine
MondayStrength TrainingSquats (4x8), Deadlifts (4x6), Lunges (3x10) each leg.
TuesdayPlyometric DrillsBox Jumps (4x10), Broad Jumps (4x8), Bounding (3x20 yards).
WednesdaySprint Intervals + Technique10 Yard Sprints (6 reps), 20 Yard Sprints (6 reps). High Knees (3x20 yards), A-Skip (3x20 yards).
ThursdayActive RecoveryLight jog, stretching, and mobility drills.
FridayMixed WorkoutHill Sprints (5 reps), Flying 30s (5 reps). Arm Swing Drills (3x1 minute).
SaturdayGame Simulation Drills + ReviewSimulated game scenarios incorporating speed and acceleration drills. Film review and individual player feedback.
SundayRestRest and recovery.


Enhancing speed and acceleration not only allows running backs to break away from defenders but also increases their overall game impact. By implementing a structured training program focused on strength, plyometrics, and sprint mechanics, running backs can achieve significant gains and become a formidable force on the field. Stay consistent, keep pushing your limits, and remember: every yard counts.

Keep grinding, future stars, and happy training!