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Quick Release: Speeding Up Your Throwing Motion

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Quick Release: Speeding Up Your Throwing Motion

In the fast-paced world of football, the ability to release the football quickly can make the difference between a completed pass and a sack. Quarterbacks with quick release can dissect defenses with ease, making them invaluable to any team. Let's dive into techniques to speed up your throwing motion, focusing on mechanics, minimizing wasted motion, and improving timing.

The Mechanics of a Quick Release

1. Footwork and Setup

Footwork is the foundation of a quick release. Here’s how to do it right:

Proper Stance

  • Balanced Base: Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, with knees slightly bent.
  • Weight Distribution: Keep your weight on the balls of your feet for quick movement.

Quick Dropbacks

  • One-Step Drop: For quick throws, use a one-step drop from the shotgun position.
  • Three-Step Drop: For medium-length throws, use a quicker three-step drop.

2. Efficient Arm Motion

An efficient arm motion is key to reducing time from hand to target.

Compact Throwing Motion

  • Elbow Position: Keep your elbow at a 90-degree angle.
  • Short Arc: Eliminate long windups; your arm should move in a short, direct arc forward.

Wrist Snap

  • Quick Release Point: Focus on a quick snap of the wrist at the release point for a faster spin on the ball.

3. Body Mechanics

Use your whole body efficiently to add speed without sacrificing accuracy.

Lower Body

  • Hip Rotation: Rotate your hips explosively towards your target.
  • Follow Through: Complete your throw by letting your back leg come forward naturally.

Upper Body

  • Torso Rotation: Engage your core to help power the throw.
  • Head Position: Keep your head still and eyes focused downfield.

Minimizing Wasted Motion

Wasted motion is the enemy of a quick release. Here’s how to trim the fat from your throwing motion:

1. Pre-Throw Preparation

  • Quick Reads: Make quick pre-snap reads to anticipate your target.
  • Hand Position: Keep your throwing hand close to a ready-to-throw position.

2. Reducing Extraneous Movements

  • No Excessive Windup: Avoid long, drawn-out windups that waste precious milliseconds.
  • Streamlined Motion: Focus on a smooth, straight path from the start of the throwing motion to the ball release.

3. Consistent Practice

Repetition with a focus on efficiency will engrain quick release habits.

  • Drill Work:
    • Quick Release Drills: Use specific drills like the "Quick Release Knee Drill" to focus on arm motion.
    • Foot Speed Drills: Implement ladder drills to improve your overall foot speed.

Improving Timing and Coordination

1. Synchronize with Receivers

Timing routes are essential for a quick release. Practice relentlessly with your receivers to get on the same page.

  • Route Timing Drills: Practice slant routes, quick outs, and hitches.
  • Anticipation Throws: Work on throwing to a spot before your receiver makes their break.
Drill NameFocusDescription
Quick Release DrillArm MechanicsFocus on snapping wrist and short arc motion
Foot Ladder DrillsFootworkImprove overall foot speed and agility
Route TimingReceiver SynchronizationPractice timing on various routes for seamless throws
Quick DropsDropback SpeedPractice one-step and three-step dropbacks for speed

2. Mental Reps and Film Study

Prepare mentally for a faster game.

  • Film Analysis: Study film to understand defensive tendencies and coverage schemes.
  • Visualization: Visualize quick decision-making and fast-release scenarios.


A quick release is an art mastered through meticulous attention to detail, efficient mechanics, and relentless practice. By focusing on these techniques, you’ll be well on your way to speeding up your throwing motion, minimizing wasted motion, and improving your timing with receivers. Get ready to carve up defenses and elevate your game to the next level!