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Bootleg and Rollout Passes: Throwing on the Move

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Bootleg and Rollout Passes: Throwing on the Move

Throwing on the move is a skill that differentiates the elite quarterbacks from the rest. Bootleg and rollout passes are particularly effective for evading pressure, creating passing lanes, and taking advantage of a defense's weaknesses. In this article, we'll break down the key elements of executing these plays, focusing on footwork, maintaining accuracy, and reading the defense. Whether you're a player looking to enhance your skills or a coach aiming to fine-tune your Teams performance, this guide has you covered.

What are Bootleg and Rollout Passes?


A bootleg pass involves the quarterback faking a handoff and moving laterally (usually to the strong side), potentially drawing defenders away from the intended passing lane. This move requires stealth, speed, and precision.


The rollout pass is similar but does not necessarily involve a fake handoff. Here, the quarterback moves laterally or “rolls out” to either side immediately after the snap, aiming to find an optimal passing angle.

Execution Breakdown

To master these passes, understanding the following aspects is crucial:

  1. Footwork
  2. Maintaining Accuracy
  3. Reading the Defense


The foundation of any successful bootleg or rollout pass is impeccable footwork. Here’s a detailed look:

ElementsBootleg MechanismRollout Mechanism
StanceStart under center or shotgunStart under center or shotgun
Initial StepsCarry out the fake handoff convincingly; pivot quicklyQuick pivot and sprint laterally
Body AlignmentKeep shoulders square to the line of scrimmage initiallyStay light-footed; keep eyes downfield
Throwing SetupPlant lead foot and rotate hips for the throwSet feet quickly to release on the run

Pro Tips for Footwork

  • Stealth is Key: For a bootleg, sell the handoff to freeze the defense.
  • Hips Don’t Lie: Rotate your hips early to prepare for the pass without losing momentum.

Maintaining Accuracy

Throwing accurately while on the move can be challenging. Here’s how to keep your throws on point:

Key ElementsTips for BootlegTips for Rollout
Foot PlacementPlant your lead foot firmly before throwingUse quick, small steps to stabilize before throwing
Arm MechanicsMaintain normal throwing mechanicsAdjust for quicker releases if necessary
Release PointHigh and away from the bodyKeep it consistent, even on the run

Pro Tips for Accuracy

  • Focus on Mechanics: Even on the move, keep your throwing mechanics as close to your normal as possible.
  • Practice Like You Play: Simulate game situations in practice to build on-move accuracy.

Reading the Defense

Anticipating defender movements and exploiting coverage gaps are vital. Here’s how to read the defense effectively:

Key ElementsBootleg StrategiesRollout Strategies
Pre-Snap ReadIdentify potential blitzers and coveragesNote the alignment of the linebackers and DBs
During RolloutObserve LB flows and secondary movementsWatch for the Secondary biting on action
Decision MakingTake what the defense gives you - short pass or runExploit sideline and cutback lanes

Pro Tips for Reading Defense

  • Eye Discipline: Keep your eyes downfield to read the secondary.
  • Go Through Progressions: Know your reads and make quick decisions based on defensive movements.


Mastering the bootleg and rollout passes can significantly enhance your quarterback capabilities and offensive strategy. By focusing on precise footwork, maintaining on-the-move accuracy, and reading defenses effectively, you can exploit these plays to your advantage. Practice diligently, adopt these insights, and get ready to leave defenses scrambling.

That’s it for today's breakdown. What’s your favorite trick to executing a perfect bootleg or rollout pass? Share your thoughts in the comments below!