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Directional Punting: Controlling Field Position

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Directional Punting: Controlling Field Position


Directional punting is an often overlooked but crucial aspect of football. This specialized skill involves aiming punts to specific areas of the field to maximize your Teams strategic advantage. Mastering directional punting can significantly enhance field position and potentially change the game's outcome.

Why Directional Punting Matters

  • Field Position Advantage: By pinning opponents deep in their territory, teams can dictate their defensive strategy and limit scoring opportunities.
  • Limiting Returns: Directing the ball towards the sideline reduces the returner's options and helps the coverage team contain the return.
  • Coffin Corner Punts: Expertly placed kicks that land inside the opponent’s 10-yard line, ideally within the 5-yard line, creating a long field for the opposing offense.

Techniques for Effective Directional Punting

Aiming Your Punt

  • Foot Placement: Position your plant foot slightly to the side of the ball, pointing in the desired direction of the punt.
  • Drop Angle: Holding the ball at a slight angle can help steer the punt towards the sideline.
  • Follow-Through: Your follow-through should be directed towards your target area, ensuring consistency and accuracy.

Visualization and Execution

  • Target Zones: Visualize target zones on the field. For precision, divide the field into quadrants and aim for the corners.
  • Practice Scenarios: Regularly practice with situational drills that mimic game conditions, like simulated rushes and different field positions.

Coaching Wisdom

Drills to Enhance Directional Punting

  1. Sideline to Sideline Drill

    • Set up cones every 10 yards along the sideline.
    • Aim for each cone sequentially, ensuring accuracy and consistency.
  2. Coffin Corner Challenge

    • Practice punts aiming to land within the final 10 yards of the field, aiming for the sideline near the goal line.
  3. Coverage Team Coordination

    • Work with the coverage team to develop a cohesive strategy.
    • Decide on gunners' lanes and the overall coverage pattern to complement directional punts.
DrillsObjectiveFocus Area
Sideline to SidelineAim for accuracy by targeting cones along the sidelineAim & Accuracy
Coffin Corner ChallengePerfect landing punts inside the opponent's 10-yard linePrecision & Depth Control
Coverage Team CoordinationDevelop a strategy between punter and coverage teamTeam Cohesion & Strategy

Player Knowledge: Pro Tips

  • Wind Conditions: Always consider wind direction and strength. Adjust your technique accordingly to maintain control.
  • Game Situations: Know when to use different types of punts based on game scenarios (e.g., standard vs. rugby-style kicks).
  • Self-Assessment: Regularly review game footage to analyze and improve your punting accuracy and decision-making.


Directional punting is a blend of technical skill and strategic thinking that every kicker should master. By honing these techniques and understanding their importance, players and coaches can significantly impact their Teams field position and overall game performance. Keep practicing, stay consistent, and handle the pressure – success in directional punting will follow.

Become a maestro of directional punting, and watch as you control the gridiron with every expertly placed kick!