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Training Drills: Building Strength and Consistency for Kickers

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Training Drills: Building Strength and Consistency for Kickers

Kicking in football is a craft that blends technique, power, and precision. Whether you are a coach or a player striving to improve in this area, it’s essential to focus on specific training drills that build leg strength, enhance accuracy, and ensure consistency. Let's walk through a few well-rounded drills and exercises that can elevate your kicking game.

Building Leg Strength

To kick long and accurately, you need explosive leg power. Here are some killer exercises to add to your regimen:

Dynamic Squats

Dynamic squats focus on building explosive power:

  • How-to: Start in a squat position and explode upwards into a jump.
  • Sets/Reps: 3 sets of 15 reps
  • Pro Tips: Ensure your landings are soft to prevent knee injury and always maintain that core tight.

Bulgarian Split Squats

This exercise specifically targets the quads, hamstrings, and glutes:

  • How-to: Place one foot on a bench behind you and squat down with the other leg.
  • Sets/Reps: 3 sets of 12 reps each leg
  • Pro Tips: Utilize dumbbells for added resistance as you advance.

Box Jumps

Box jumps enhance overall leg strength and explosive power:

  • How-to: Jump onto a sturdy box and step down gently.
  • Sets/Reps: 3 sets of 10 jumps
  • Pro Tips: Use a box height that challenges you without compromising your form.

Accuracy Drills

Accuracy can make or break a successful kick. Here are drills to refine precision:

Cone Drill

Place cones at various distances and directions from the goal to simulate real game situations:

20 yards30°Hit inside left upright
30 yardsCenter of crossbar
35 yards15°Hit inside right upright
  • How-to: Aim to hit the specific target denoted by each cone.
  • Pro Tips: Visualize a straight line towards your target and follow through.

Target Practice

Using targets can dramatically improve accuracy:

  • How-to: Attach small targets to the goalposts.
  • Drill: Aim to hit or pass within a tight radius of these targets.
  • Pro Tips: Record and review your kicks to analyze your alignment and approach angles.

Consistency Routines

A kicker’s best friend is consistency. Master these routines to maintain peak performance:

Swing Repetition

Consistency comes with repetition:

  • How-to: Set up a tee and work on your swing motion relentlessly without a ball.
  • Sets/Reps: 50 swings daily
  • Pro Tips: Focus on form—plant foot placement, body posture, and follow through.

Routine Workouts

Establishing a routine builds muscle memory:

  • Dynamic Warm-Up: 10 minutes of dynamic stretches
  • Kick Sequence: Repeat your kicking sequence multiple times, refining the minor details.
  • Cool-Down: Stretch and roll out to prevent injury and maintain flexibility.

Video Analysis

Reviewing your performance can identify improvements:

  • How-to: Record your kicks, break them down, and analyze footage.
  • Pro Tips: Focus on steps, body alignment, plant foot positioning, and follow through.


Incorporating these training drills into your routine will undoubtedly help build strength, enhance accuracy, and foster consistency. Remember, kicking is not just about brute strength but a blend of physical power and refined technique. Kick on, and may your practice translate into clutch moments on the field!

Pulling off the perfect kick lies in dedicated practice and a holistic approach encompassing strength training, precise drills, and unwavering consistency. Coaches and players alike, take these insights, and let's score some goals!