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Drawing Fouls: Getting to the Free Throw Line

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Drawing Fouls: Getting to the Free Throw Line

Getting to the free throw line can change the outcome of a game. By drawing fouls, players not only earn easy points but also put opposing players in foul trouble. Let's dive into several techniques to master this art, including pump fakes, aggressive drives, and initiating contact.

Techniques to Draw Fouls

Pump Fakes

Pump fakes are a classic move used to get defenders off their feet. Here’s how to do it effectively:

  1. Sell the Shot: Make your pump fake look like a real shot attempt. Use the same form and rhythm.
  2. Stay Low: Keep a low center of gravity to maintain balance and readiness to capitalize on the defender’s reaction.
  3. Draw Contact: Once the defender is in the air, lean in slightly to ensure contact and draw the foul.

Aggressive Drives

Driving aggressively to the basket is another way to draw fouls. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Explode to the Rim: Use a quick first step to beat your defender and create a lane to the basket.
  2. Body Control: Maintain control of your body to absorb contact effectively. Use your off-hand to shield the ball.
  3. Anticipate Contact: Expect contact and be ready to finish strong or sell the foul.

Initiating Contact

Initiating contact smartly can get you to the line more often. Here are the key points:

  1. Create Contact Zones: Understand where you can initiate contact within the rules—using your shoulder or hip without pushing off.
  2. Seek the Defender: Move towards the defender’s body to make the contact look natural.
  3. Flare and Finish: After contact is made, exaggerate your motion to sell the foul to referees.

Player Tips from the Pros

PlayerTechnique HighlightedNotes
James HardenStep-Back Three and ContactMaster of using step-back threes to draw perimeter fouls.
Dwyane WadeEuro Step and Contact InitiationIncredible at using the Euro step to initiate contact inside.
Chris PaulMid-Range Pump FakesExpert at using mid-range pump fakes to draw shooting fouls.

Coaching Wisdom

  1. Practice Drill - Pump Fake and Finish: Set up a drill where players must use a pump fake then drive to the hoop to finish through contact.
  2. Film Study: Review game footage to identify opportunities where players missed chances to draw fouls.
  3. Simulate Game Scenarios: Use scrimmages to recreate high-pressure situations and practice drawing fouls.


Mastering the art of drawing fouls not only contributes to individual scoring but can shift the momentum of the game. By incorporating techniques like pump fakes, aggressive drives, and initiating contact into your game, you can become a more effective and strategic player. Keep practicing and studying these moves, and you’ll be spending a lot more time at the free throw line!

- **Remember**: A smart player is always looking for ways to exploit the defensive weaknesses and draw fouls.
- **Tip**: Always keep an eye on foul counts and adjust your strategy accordingly to capitalize on bonus situations.